What is RightNow Media?


RightNow Media is an online resource for Christian content. Its mission is“ to work with the global church to inspire people to love others before self and Christ above all.” It has videos for people at every stage of life from Christian leaders such as Francis Chan, Tim Tebow, and Ann Voskamp. You can search their library for devotionals for you, your family, or a small group.


How do I sign up?


City Point Church offers free access to RightNow Media! All you have to do is create an account through City Point and you can start using RightNow Media right away.



Sign up online through our link.


What Devices can I use?


You can access RightNow Media from almost any device! You can visit their website on your computer to find information about getting the app for your smartphone, Apple TV, Roku, and more.

If you want to learn about downloading the app, click on the link to visit their App Features page.


Is there content for kids?


Absolutely! RightNow Media has engaging videos for kids of all ages. There are classic shows such as VeggieTales, Bibleman, and 3-2-1 Penguins! Videos are also sorted into age groups so parents can easily locate content at their child’s level. Click the link to check out RightNow Media’s Kids Episodes!